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Cat in Pine Tree


I have a cat/kitten (about 4 months) that is on her 3rd trip up a pine tree! All different trees (in excess of 50 feet) in different locations. This was also done in about a 4 week time period! We got a tree surgeon for the first one, a nice "hunter" with a walking deer stand for the second trip, BUT she is now in a tree that will not hold a grown person's weight. She is also in an area that is only accessible by foot (in a swampy area). She is working on her 5th day. I hate hearing her yowl (with what voice she has left) when she hears us..... I don't want her to there absolutely NO DOUBT that eventually she will come down? There are no limbs for at least 50 -60 feet from the ground. It would be a straight shot to the ground.......I have had cats all my life but never had one to repeatedly go up a tree like this!!! HELP! and soon!!!
11/6/06 at 3PM EST


Yes, in time, the cat will come down.  You just have to wait her out.  Short of going up the tree to get her, I do not know what else you can do.  It sounds to me as if you have little choice but to wait her out.

I have seen people use Cherry Pickers to get cats out of trees, but it sounds as if the area would not accomodate that kind of machine, making your options very limited.

Hopefully, that will be her last foray up a pine tree.

Please let me know how it goes.

Good luck & best regards... Norm.