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abnormal behaviour


my Siamese male cat is 14 months old. today morning he was acting normally. then in afternoon i went out with him in the car to fill gas in it. then when i returned home he started acting weirdly. at first he was a little bit wobbly. then he came to me and tried to sleep n then after half an hour he woke up...his eyes my constantly moving horizontally. and he was unable to maintain his balance. i took him to vet an he gave him a shot of diazepam and dexamethasone. kindly tell me whats the reason behind it and is it temporary? also he is still wobbly and eyes are still moving...kindly guide me..

Hi Ajwad,

Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I had the flu. Your cat could have a middle ear infection or Feline vestibular disorder. Both should clear up in a couple of weeks. If you can, keep your cat in a room where he can be quiet. Hope this helped. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen