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obese cat eating other pets food


I have two cats and a dog.  One cat is over weight and will start eating the other pets food when he is finished with his.  I was keeping him separate from the other pets and feeding him twice a day but would like to find a way to have all the pets together.  Is there anything I can do besides have them all on a feeding schedule?


The short answer for this situation is that the overweight cat must not be allowed to steal from the other cats in your household. I have generally found that feeding meals in this situation is more effective than offering the food free choice. This will allow you to have more control over this kitty's caloric intake. Obesity in cats has many of the same health risks so it is important to work on the weight loss program with your family vet. Cats can become quite ill if they lose weight too rapidly so I usually suggest running the dietary plan by your vet first. Ultimately you aren't going to be able to have food available for all the pets in your household if you aren't able to police the food dishes at all times or lock one or more of your pets in separate rooms with all of the usual kitty amenities. Maintaining scheduled meal times really are the best way to control food intake and have a general idea of what each pet is actually eating. I wish that I had a better answer for this situation, but there really is no other solution other than to lock your portly kitty in a room by himself while the other pets  have free run of the house and I am guessing that you were looking for an easy, hassle free way to work with the cat to prevent him from eating any and all rations placed onto the floor. I wish that I had more options for you, although I do hope that you have found this information helpful. If you have any further questions, concerns or you would simply like to send an update my way, please don't hesitate to contact me again.