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cat sucking tail


Hello Becky!

You had answered a previous question of mine about hairballs with my Siamese.  The butter is doing the trick!!!

I have a gray and white tiger.  She is 5 years old.  I got her when she was 6 weeks old (actually that is what I was told by my friend who dropped her off as a surprise birthday gift).  Ever since that I can remember she has been sucking the tip of her tail.  I was just wonder why she does this.  Is she doing this because she was taken from her mother too soon?

Hi Tricia!

So glad that the butter is helping with the hairballs!  Not only that, but I bet your cats love it too!

Your cat is probably sucking on her tail like a child will use a pacifier. Kittens get a feeling of contentment and well being when they nurse, and your cat has just never really outgrown the "need" for a pacifier.  The sucking motion along with kneading bring back that euphoria she felt as a kitten.  I used to have a cat that "nursed" on one of my girls stuffed animals. It was so cute, she would be sucking away on a wad of hair and kneading it to death.  I really wouldn't try to stop her unless it is causing a problem with her tail.  

God Bless,