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3 month old kitten


Hi there,

I recently adopted a kitten and he is very very adventurous. I left him alone in my room for half an hour and when I got back two keys from my keyboard of my laptop were gone.. I found one of them on the floor but I haven't been able to find the other one. I'm worried that he might have eaten it. However, he has been playing and eating just fine. I was wondering what the symptoms would be if he had eaten the key.



If you are worried, a visit to the vet and an X-ray are the best way to see if there is a problem.  I am not a vet, but symptoms of an obstruction are constipation, loss of appetite, general malaise, to name a few.

Also, even at 3 months kittens can find hiding places in your house that you did not know existed.

One thing about kitten proofing your house is to put all breakables somewhere the kitten cannot get to and make sure small objects, poisonous house plants, and the like are out of reach of the kitten.

Please let me know how the vet visit goes, or if you find the other key.

Best regards... Norm.