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Cat peeing on floor


I have two 16 month old male cats. Lately one cat has been peeing on the floor and on clothes on the floor. The pee has white foam stuff in it too. The cat walks around the house meowing for no reason sometimes. We caught him peeing on the floor 3 times in the last two days. Once on clothes, once on the floor and once on the floor right in front of the litter box. We have also found pee on the floor in other spots too, like under the bed. He is always fed well and the litter box is always clean. The cat was neutered when he was younger. There has been a couple of time were he pooped on the floor too, but that doesn't happen very much. Can you please tell me why he is peeing on the floor and why does the pee have white foam in it? Thank you.


I am somewhat worried that your cat may have an issue with his bladder. What you are seeing could be anything from pus to mucous to tiny stones clumped up. This kitty needs to be assessed by a qualified vet as soon as possible. If your kitty has any of the problems that I have mentioned he is in a lot of pain. With any new behavior like peeing outside the box you want to make sure that they see a vet 24 hours or less after the onset because if this type of problem continues over a prolonged period of time you may have a full work load trying to retrain your cat to use the box. What happens that causes this is that because cats are very smart they think that the litter box is hurting them if they have any pain while they are using it so they start to experiment with other surfaces. If nothing comes up in the urine tests I am almost positive that there will be something that shows up in the blood work. If possible try to use a new oral medicine syringe to try to get a sample of this urine if it is on a hard surface. Hopefully this will be something minor and your kitty will be just fine. If you wouldn't mind keeping me updated I would be interested to hear what your vet finds on physical examination. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again, I will do my best to try to help.