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kitten plays in water bowl


My kitten constantly splashes the water from her bowl all over the kitchen (she still drinks it if there's any left).  Any suggestions on preventing this?

Hi Julie,

There is usually three reasons for this. One is she is a kitten and this is new and fun. She will outgrow this if this is the problem. The second is she is bored and this is something she can do that is amusing. Try giving her a toy if she plays with the water to divert her attention. The third, and this is the reason two of my cats do it, is she can't see the water level. You can tell this is it if she drinks from the bowl right after knocking it around.

You can do two things to help her out here and have her stop knocking it around. One, add ice cubes in it. She can see the shape of the ice cubes in the water and figure out the level,( but she might play with ice cubes at first). The second is add a drop of food coloring to her water. She will be able to se it better then.
Let me know how things work out. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen