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1 wk old kittens


I work w/ n animal rescue. A VERY small f cat was brought to me. She had 3 kittens the next morning. 1 died.
Today, I went to do dog adoptions. When I returned home, she'd broken out of the bedroom window. How long can the kittens go w/out food?
They haven't been crying & they don't look cold.
She's feral & I'm afraid to touch the babies for fearshe'll reject them BUT if they need me, I'd like to do what I must.
I just wish she'd return to her kittens.
I got home at 6:00p.m. It's now 12:35a.m.
Thank you,
Jari Green

*** FOLLOW UP**** YIPEE !! that is good news Jari
And thank you for the work you do for these animals...

Hi Jari, Are the kittens still quiet? It is possible mom is outside somewhere and will return when she hears them mewing if she is not too afraid to enter the house. I would put a heating pad underneath the box the kittens are in just to ensure that they are warm enough. Do not turn it on too high. Just leave it on low. Is it possible for the mom to get back in through the bedroom window? There is the possibility that something has happened to the mom and she is unable to return to the kittens. ie hit by car, Are there any other nursing moms in your rescue organization that could take over the care of these kittens if she doesn't return? Otherwise I am afraid you will have to take care of them. .. and it has already been 6.5 hours so things are not looking good for her return. I would suggest you get some kitten replacer milk ready and start to feed ! If she is too feral to take care of the kittens because you touched them.. then she is going to be too feral to come back inside a house to take care of them. Don't forget to massage them to pass stool !
Good luck