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mama cat


QUESTION: well my female cat had kittens six weeks ago they were all weaned and sent to homes of my family members but the problem is the mama cat she is going nuts......meowing 24/7 nonstop running around the house is it possible that i took her kittens away from her to soon?
ANSWER: Hi How long ago did the kittens go? Six weeks is pretty early for kittens to leave their mom. Usually mom will still have some milk left and she is still in a maternal mode and wanting to care for her kittens. Eight weeks is when the moms are really ready to have the kittens start to leave and it is nice to do it one at a time, not all at once. If they have been gone for a while and she just started this meowing it is possible she is back in heat !! So be careful ! Teresa

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: well the kittens went about two days ago.... they werent really nursing anymore as they were eating solid kitten food and drinking water...i still have one kitten left the mama really doesnt want nothing to do with him either also, could it be from being separated from her brother/father of kittens he ran away from home about a week ago...they have been with each other since the day they were born?  

Hi Amber, If the mom still has one kitten, and she is not spending time with it, then she is not crying about the kittens leaving. She must be upset about something else. If the father ran away a week ago she wouldn't start crying now either. So, the only other things I can think is that she is in heat again or there is something physically wrong with her. Has she been spayed yet? Is she eating and drinking ok? Teresa