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Kitten behavior and training


Hi, I have a 3 1/2 month old male kitten named Match.  And I have having a lot of problems in training him; pretty much everywhere I look he is getting into trouble (climbing on stuff he is not supposed to, chewing on stuff he is not supposed to, etc.).  I have tried a lot of methods that have been told to me (never hitting him) and I am running out of options.  I think it could be the other cats that he is with or maybe there are just too many people telling him what to do and he is confused (I live with another family that has 5 cats)...I don't know; all I do know is that I need help!

Hi Gayle,

I hate to say this but this is normal 3 month old kitten behavior. He will outgrow it. And he will be much calmer when you get him fixed. If he is climbing on furniture you can use plastic carpet protectors that are turned upside down. Cats don't like walking on the hard plastic nubs. You can use wire looms to protect your wires from being chewed. And a spray bottle with water works wonders. Also try playing with Mitch. Tire him out. This works wonders. Your best option is time. He will calm down. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen