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older kitten suckling from pregnant mum!


Hi Karen
My cat Wendy is expecting her 2nd litter any day now, but her son from the 1st litter has started suckling again(she hated him last week!)She seems happy with this but i'm concerned if it affecting the unborn kits and what about when they are born?will he still tryto suckle or will mum push him away? Thanks Sarita

Hi Sarita,

The suckling now won't hurt the unborn kits. But it could be a problem when they are born. Because he is older and bigger he will push the little ones out of the way. If the mom is not pushing him away now she won't later.

You can try to redirect him from this behavior. When he goes to suckle remove him from his mom saying no. Take him to another room, give him a treat and tell him good kitty. Keep up with this. It will take a little time. He will learn that suckling his mom is not good and staying away is better for him. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen