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natural cat laxatives


I have a MANX that suffers from megacolon,had the operation,didn't work,tried cisapride,lactulose and still no avail.Vet says it's nerve damage because he's a Manx, Is there a natural laxative that the cat will take or eat that he won't throw up anyway? if the cat doesn't eat,it's hard to give medication in food.Lactulose too sweet .Any ideas???


I spoke to a premier Manx breeder this weekend and she suggested a tablespoon of Metamusil (unflavored) twice a day in the food.  You may have to start with a smaller amount until the cat gets used to the taste.  You also should feed a couple of inches of "Catlax" wice a day, as well.

In severe cases, there is not much you can do.

Please let me know how he does.

Best regards... Norm.