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cat vomting


Hi Norman-  Our 1 year old male cat vomits about once a week.  He eats dry cat food only.  We started with Purina Indoor, to Dad's indoor now special Kitty Indoor.  He still vomits.  I don't want to take him to a vet yet, because they will often charge some huge amount of money without results. They often refer me to MSU (Michigan State University) vet. animal school as they've done before with other pets.  What in your opinion should I do now?  Thanks much!



It is not uncommon for cats to vomit once a week.  As long as the cat is not losing weight and the vomit is basically chewed and undigested with no really awful bilious odor, I would not worry about it.

You can look at using a good canned as well as the dry and see how he handles that.  Dry food is easy, but it is sometimes tougher for some cats to digest at some times than a good canned.  We mix canned and dry together with other things when we feed.

Best regards... Norm.