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male neutered cat


my siamese male neutered cat is 8 years old, and for about 3 or 4 years now he has been relentlessly humping my stuffed animals.  Even when they are on my bed in the corner , he will drag them to the middle of the bed and start humping.  Even more strange is that he allways goes for two particular stuffed animals (one is a stuffed camel and is also twice my cats size).  It seems to be getting worse because sometimes he does this several times a day.
What is wrong with my cat?  Perhaps the vet did not "fix" him correctly when he was a kitten?

Hi Katrina,

Nothing is wrong with your cat except he is bored. When you see him doing that get some sort of toy out and distract him. A laser pointer works great. Stimulation of a positive type works and will keep him from doing this. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen