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two adult cats

20 16:44:06

i have three cats one male  11 years one male 2 years and one female 7 months the 2 year old ive only had 4 weeks iam having problems with the two adults getting along with each other they have had a few fights the 2 year old has never had a home i took him in off the streets he is so frightened when the other cats go near him he will start growling and he will poo where he is sat he is a lovely cat with my family it is really upsetting me they have all been neuted i dont no what to do will they learn to get along i dont want to have to find the 2 year old another home because ill feel like ve failed if there s something i can do i will do it i hope you can help me

this takes TIME!!! lots of time!!! only let the 2 yr old have access to the other cats when you are at home and can supervise. when you arent home, give him a place he can call his own and be comfortable in, like one of your bedrooms, give him a litter box and food in that room and confine him to that room when you are not home. and shut him up in there at night as well so he can rest. its all about letting him have his own space and getting him used to your home. and this takes tons of time. so dont rush it. you will find that he will run to HIS room when he feels threatened. this of course means you will have to keep the other cats out of his room as much as possible. later when they are all getting along, you will find that he doesnt need his own space as much and eventually he will not hide in there anymore and you wont have to confine him anymore. good luck.