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Cat giving birth!


Hi cat just had kittens about 24 hours ago....she struggled through the birth and is not leaving huge piles of reddish brown stuff all over the floors ( 3 times now) she is also showing no interest in her four kittens besides moving them back and forth from under my bed to beside my couch in the living room....she is meowing and growling constantly...could there be something wrong with her....or maybe shes not done? What is the best thing i should do??

Hi Crystal,

Take her to the vet to get her checked out. She may have a kitten still in there. Is she feeding the little ones? They need food and warmth if she isn't. Write back to me if she isn't doing anything for the kits and I will try to help you. But get mom,(with the kits) to the vet if she isn't better. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen