Pet Information > ASK Experts > Cats > Cats > insuranse/microchip



QUESTION: how to groom a cat. do I put her in the sink,bath tub?
will I hurt their eyes? or do the
"liking them selfs clean" do the trick .what else should I"groom"? what are the sighns of a sick cat. what kind of food is best? do cats change after they been fixed?

ANSWER: To bathe a cat, put him in the tub with about 1 inch of warm water. Use a cat shampoo, and do not wash or wet ANYWHERE above the neckline. Avoid getting water and soap in the eyes and ears.

You really only need to give a cat a bath if they a) smell badly, b) have gotten into something sticky or foul, or c) have not had one in the last six months.

We bathe our cats about once every four months, generally.

There are no "signs" of a sick cat, cats exhibit different symptoms for every ailment. The best thing to watch for is any change in urination, defecation, or breathing. If they cease to do the first two, they need veterinarian care within 24 hours. If they have trouble doing the latter, they need veterinary care with 36 hours if there is no improvement.

I trust Purina brand pet foods, and Friskies wet food. Never buy off=brand or store brand food, it is not high enough in good ingredients and too high in harmful fats. I use Purina Indoor Formula for my cats, and Purina Kitten Chow for the little ones.

Male cats cease spraying and fighting and showing aggression after neutering. Females cease having heat cycles and will cease to fight for food and territory, and if they were scent marking, that will cease as well.

Thanks for asking!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: what is you advise and or opinion on "pet insurance"?
and micro chip.I just spened 600 to take a sick cat to the vet and is still hospitalized,she almost died she have still born baby inside and too weak to push, Iwould like to know your opinion on the pet insurance, well next time, who knows if I'll have that kind of money. and they ask for full amount at time of service,no payments.

I've never had pet insurance, but if it is an affordable avenue for you, please feel free to consider it. I don't really know anything about it, however.

Microchipping animals is a good idea for an outdoor animal, or a very expensive animal, but for your average, indoor cat, I think its unnecessary.

I'm very sorry to hear about your cat, I do hope she gets better soon.