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Cotty covers food

20 16:43:54

we have a sweet  cat with a quirky habit her name is Cotty and her quirky habit is trying to cover her food once she's done eating. she does this primarily with wet food. Cotty has been known to take things that have been dropped on the floor a few feet away (a napkin, paper towel, the mail.... last night it was an empty soda box that she pushed over next to her dish in attempt to cover it) and cover food dish.... when there isn't anything on the floor nearby, she paws at the floor or wall. this is food she likes and eats often. it's always fresh from the can and there is no strange smell.  we can't figure out why she does this ... other than maybe she's just trying to be neat or trying to save what's left for later (i know that sounds a bit funny). do you have any idea as to why she does this ... or is this just one of life's little mysteries? Thank you for your time. happy holidays to you.

Hi Bobbi,

It is sort of one of life's mysteries.... however, we in the cat world have decided it is mostly for cats trying to cover up their food to save it for later.  I always solved this problem by putting their leftovers in a container with a lid on it, and storing it in the refrigerator until next feeding.  Then I spoil my cats a little by heating it up to at least room temperature in the microwave before servig it to them again.  I know, you probably think I am awful, but I think that by warming it up, it releases the aroma of the food and they like it better.  Some cats are such fussy eaters, and I always had to be creative in how I presented their meals.  Good luck, I hope this solves it for you.  Write again if I can be of further help.  Happy Holidays!
