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Mating behaviour of neutered cat.


Hello Jessica,
I have a three year old neutered male cat. Sometimes he still exhibits mating behaviour like neck bite or mounting though he quickly lets go. is this a problem? (he was neutered two years back)  Thankyou for your time.  

Hi Shravani.  Generally no, this is not a problem.  Male cats will do this in an attempt to dominate other cats.  It's not related to sexual behavior.  Unless he's hurting the other cat, then I would let them be so they can decide for themselves who is going to be dominant and who will be submissive.

In some cases, there is an incomplete neuter.  This usually happens when a cat has a testicle tucked up inside the abdomen.  The vet is unable to find it and believes the cat was simply born without one (which is somewhat common in cats) and fails to remove it during the surgery.  The testicle left behind will continue to produce testosterone and will result in mating behavior.  The cat will, however, be infertile most times.  The testicle should be removed, though.  It could descend into the scrotum at any time and result in fertility.  You may want to call the vet who performed the neuter and see if it was noted that both testicles were removed or if only one was found.