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new kitten and older cats

20 16:46:36

Dear Karisa--I have a new 4 month old kitten for only two days.  I also have two 6 year old cats.  My cats have always been very bland, so I didn't expect a big problem, but now I am wondering if I can keep the little one.  I isolated him in a bedroom, but he constantly cries and bangs against the door.  As I live in an apartment, and this bothers others, I had to let him out.  The older cats constantly growl and hiss and run under the bed.  They seem more than a little depressed, and they will not eat.  I am very worried about them.  The kitten is fine and wants to be friendly.  I know it takes time, but this is not a good start, and I will be away Sun.-Thurs.  I have to leave them all out together, or the little one will cry constantly.  This way the others will be miserable.  Someone comes in twice a day to feed.  I appreciate any advice you can give.  Thank you.  Judy, New York City

leaving them alone is the best way for them to get used to each other, i have seven cats and they all had to get used to each other and now they are best of friends.I left for a weekend and when i came back they were all friends.One of my cats takes a little longer to get along, but after a couple weeks he was fine.