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balding cornish rex kitten


I have a 7 month old Cornish Rex kitten.  He had beautiful wavy hair and now I notice that the hair along his back is thinning and has lost the shine.  I am feeding him dry Nutro Max for kittens. (Not sure if food has anything to do with this problem or not) I am very concerned because I am a first time cat owner. He does not have fleas, his skin doesn't appear to be dry just his hair is looking dull and thinning along his back.  Please help, I am not sure what to do.  

Hi Kendra!

What you are experiencing with your Cornish Rex kitten is very typical.  Since yours is still a kitten, he is most likely "dropping his coat" as breeders call it, and it should grow back, I said SHOULD because it may not.  My Cornish Rex did the same as a kitten, and it came back in fine, however, now that she is older (10), she is losing her coat and waves, and I doubt it will come back.  Unfortunatley, this is common in the breed.  The food you are feeding is excellent, so don't worry about that.  Time will tell, hopefully he will grow his coat back, but if he doesn't there is really nothing you can do. I have seen many a Cornish Rex with ruined show "careers" due to dropping their famous waves and not coming back.  It's sad because they are such beautiful cats when in full wave.   I hope I have not disheartened you, because just as many lose their hair.... MANY get it back, thicker than before.  I would say genetics and breeding have a lot to do with it.  Good luck!

God Bless,

God Bless,