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I want to bring in 6 new cats(they are family) to my already established grown cats


I need help I've tried to find homes for 6 cats. I've sent 4 out ,,4 come back,,I truly believe these people don't know much about cats.My problem is the new cats have been living in the entrance way for about a year come April 8,with their Mom and 5 babies.I rescued Mama and she gives me 5 babies.They are very easy temperament to me purr up a storm,,I want to bring them into the house,but worried about the all ready existing 3 grown cats I had adopted from a shelter 3 yrs. ago.I really want them to get along and live in the house.My husband said to let them back out to the wild where she came from,but I know they will kill my birds,and other wild life and I don't want that.One cat has a habit of slipping into the foyer,and cowls when the minpin comes near him,he shows no aggression towards the dog.And the others have become curious about what is behind the door where the food comes from.Please help,,I love them all and don't want them to be hurt or die.

Hi Peggy,

Are the babies still young? If they are then it shouldn't be too hard to bring them in. Set up a room for Mom and her brood. Then follow a cat intro protocol such as this,

Let the kittens do their thing. Older cats pretty much don't pay attention to kittens unless they need to be disciplined. You might want to get some Feliway comfort zone. This mimics a cat's happy pheromones. It can calm everybody done and make the intros go smoother. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen