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new borns


QUESTION: We have taken in a couple of strays.  One is the mother the other is her kitten. While the mother was pregnant she would hiss at the kitten.  Now that she has had her kittens everything looks normal between the two of them.  Now the kitten has stopped eating for about a week.  she just sits and mopes on the rug.  I brought her food to her but she just nibbled a little and continued to mope.  Then when I rub her head and back she turns over so that I can rub her stomache then she just mopes.  I don't want to send her away but I want her to feel better.  Is she jealous of the new babies?  We have caught her trying to nurse her mother. What must I do?
ANSWER: Nikeitha,

Not eating is a very abnormal for kittens to do.  You have not given me the age of your kitten (form the previous litter).  Has she lost weight? Is she dehydrated?

If she has not lost weight and is not dehydrated, I suspect she has sneaked in and nursed together with the younger kittens.

Yes, it is very possible that the older kitten is jealous of the babies.

If your older kitten is losing weight, getting dehydrated, etc., you may want to get the kitten to the veterinarian to see if something else may be going on with your kitten.

In any case, you really need to keep the older kitten away from mother and the new litter.

Best regards... Norm.

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QUESTION: That's the thing she was chunky all winter and as the spring season sprung she started stretching out...getting longer.  Now I am not sure how old she is exactly but I do know when we moved in about last may she was medium/small, chunky...running in behind her mother.  We saw her nursing then.  So I would say that she is about a little more than a year old.  Now My husband saw her nursing her recently when the mother came out to get somthing to eat.  Before that she would eat like she always did...after she nursed a couple of times she stopped eating, playing, etc... she just sits in the house.  somtimes she will go behind the couch...then she will come out and drink some water.  Yesterday she nibbled on the food just a little and then just sat there.
ANSWER: Nikietha,

This does not sound normal at all.

Has she been spayed?  If not, she may be seasoning, which might account for the odd behavior, her being off her feed, not playing, etc.

I would have her in to see a veterinarian to make sure nothing else was amiss.

Best regards... Norm.

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QUESTION: Thanks Norm- we took her to the vet and found that she was severly anenmic(low blood). We had to put her to sleep last night.  It was parasite that attaches to their red blood cells.  My next question is how long do we need to wait before we handle new born kittens...picking them up etc... they are 3 1/2 weeks old.  we don't the mother to stop nursing them because our scent is on them.
ANSWER: Nikeitha,

I am so, so sorry for your loss!!!!!!!

Do you know the name of the parasite?  I need that information before I can tell you when you can handle your kittens.  You might also give your vet a call and find out about basic hygiene for handling cats with respect to this parasite.

Anyway, it sounds like the new kittens will be ready for weaning in a couple of weeks.

Mother will nurse the kittens whether your scent is on them or not.  By now, each of the kittens has its own scent and she knows who they are.  So, I would not worry about that.  It will be good for the kittens to have you handle them as they will need to be socialized and your handling them will help.

Best regards... Norm.

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QUESTION: Thanks again Norm,
One of the new born Kittens eyes keeps matting closed.  Is there an over the counter med we can use or do we need to go see the Vet.  


With new borns, unless you really know what you are doing, you do not want to fool around.  Yes, you need to get the kittens into the vet as soon as possible.  Also, one hint, when treating a single eye problem, the odds are it will spread to the other eye, so it is always wise to treat both eyes.  With kittens, even though it may be more expensive, it will be easier for you and the kittens if you use ophthalmic drops instead of ophthalmic ointments.

Meanwhile, you can gently unstick the eyes with warm water on a soft compress or tissue.

Best regards... Norm.