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cat loves reading lamp


I recently got a new reading lamp - my cat (Siamese) started putting his face in the light and sitting there ( eyes closed,in bliss) - he also will turn around and lie under the light so that his far gets warm - is this odd? and is it okay for him to put his face close to the lightbulb ( I only let him do it for a few minutes)
Thanks -


All cats love warmth, but, for some reason, Siamese have the reputation of loving it more than most other breeds.  So, it is not surprising that your Siamese will put his face in the reading lamp.  Even worse, they can singe their fur and do not seem to mind, so one must be vigilant and make sure he does not singe himself on your reading lamp.

I have seen cats walk into a fireplace and lie down on the smoldering embers or lie next to a hot radiator, singeing their fur and never moving.

So, I would watch him and if he never really touches the light bulb, it will be OK.  I think you are wise to restrict how much he can do it.  At the first sign of any singed whiskers or eyebrows, however, I would put a stop to it!

Best regards.... Norm.