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grooming a sick cat


Hello. I have a 9 year old Siamese that is fighting lymphoma, and he gets unwilling to have a bath or brushing, being so skinny and with matted fur. I tried gentle bath or wiping off the dirt but he gets angry and I hate to cause him additional discomfort. Do you have any recommendation on how to keep him clean? He sits in his litterbox instead of his bed which is soft and clean and he develops sore spots on his hind legs from caked litter.

Hi Jane,
Thank you for using All Experts to help with your dilemma.
If merely trying to wipe off dirt, your kitty gets angry and uncomfortable, then I'm afraid I am stumped as
to how to effectively cleaning him.  I would normally suggest a dry bath product or bath wipes, but if
he can't be touched that way, then this would, unfortunately , not be a workable solution for you.
Dry bath foams and wipes require lots of wiping down, rubbing in, etc.
Perhaps you could switch to a litter box product like Yesterday's Mews, that uses paper as litter instead
of traditional clays.  There is also corn cob litter and I believe Fresh Step produces this as well as
some of the smaller companies.  Using a different litter may be helpful in avoiding those sore spots he gets
on his hind legs from caked clay litter.
I apologize that I couldn't be of any more help, and wish you both all the best.
Thanks again for checking in with All Experts.