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Just yesterday I noticed that my cat has these red sores on her lip. Right @ the corner on both sides of her mouth. Today one looks better, but the other one has gotten a little bigger and seems to be clear in the middle.
Should I just take he into the vet to have them looked at or is there something I can try to help them go away safely?


My recommendation would be to have this kitty evaluated by a vet because while it's possible that your kitty has a relatively minor issue such as chin acne (caused by kitty eating and drinking out of plastic dishes) it's also possible that her symptoms point to something more serious that has the potential to be a longer term issue such as auto-immune conditions or viral infections like feline leukemia and FIV which are both somewhat similar to HIV/AIDS in people (don't worry even if your kitty does have feline leukemia or FIV these viruses can't be passed on to people). If you want to seek out alternative treatments (which are often gentler and in some cases more effective than traditional medicine) then you'll want to seek out the advice of a holistic vet trained in the use of alternative therapies ranging from homeopathy, herbal medicine and acupuncture to massage, veterinary chiropractic care and different light wave therapies. Today the world of veterinary medicine is an incredibly exciting field - in many cases anything that can be done in terms of conventional or alternative medicine for people can also be done for pets, all you'd need to do is to find a holistic vet that you're completely comfortable with. If you have any further cat related questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me again, I'd be more than happy to help you out to the best of my ability.