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Mamma Cat wrestling


My cat has been a great mama cat. Very protective, and loving to all 5 of her babies. They are now 6 weeks old. and they are all running around.  They seem to wrestle about and play hide and seek.. Mama cat seems to play a bit with them but then takes it to where she looks like she stalks them (mostly the one that is more ambitious) and grabs them and bites thier necks on back and in front all the while kicking them. They do let out a yell.. I guess my question is Are they just playing, or is this turning into a problem that could cause them to be killed by mama. I have homes for all them to go to when they are ready, but I was trying to follow what has been advised and that is to wait till they are 8-12 weeks.. Should I go ahead and let them go to their new homes now, Thank you

Hi Tammy,

Don't worry. This is Momma teaching them. They are crying because it's a shock and it does hurt a little. They are little and she has to get their attention. But she won't kill them.
6 weeks is still a little young. Wait till they are at least 8 weeks old. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen