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Cat peed after vet visit


My 3yr old male cat just got home from the vet where he received shots and claws trimmed and flea treatment. He was hissing and growling the whole time, and was not happy at all. When we get home, he peed on a pillow on the ground that the dog lays on right away in front of me. He never does that, however he hasnt been to the vet since he was a kitten. Is this normal?

yes don't worry this can happen when a cat becomes particularly distressed after a vet visit. It is a way for the cat to make his mark on the house again which helps to calm them down i.e if the house smells strongly of them then everything must be ok. It is also not unusual for them to do it on beds or other pets beds as this is where other peoples / animals scent is the strongest and they feel that they want to add their own scent to that area.

I'm sure given a little while he will calm down again and be fine.

best wishes kate