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Recently Spayed Cat


I have an 11 month old cat that was spayed four days ago. She is a siamese and calico (we think) mix. She is very playful and was playful even when we brought her home the next day. She seems to be healing nicely, however, she is incredibly energetic and has been going sort of ballistic. The first time was in the evening and now she is doing it during the day as well.  Doesn't seem to settle down and nap like she should. She was very affectionate and playful before but now she takes every ovature as an invitation to play and run around. I realize she is a kitten but I'm a little worried that she is a bit over stimulated since the spaying.  
I guess I'm a worried mama.

Hi Leslie.  If you're concerned that she's too active too soon after the spay, then I certainly understand your worries.  Cats seem to bounce back more quickly than they should!  But all of the incisions are small and not likely to bleed heavily, and the biggest threat is really a fall while still groggy from the anesthesia.  Once that's completely out of her system, recovery is a snap for the most part.  As long as she is feeling up to all the activity, she should be fine to go ahead with it.  Of course, if the site of the surgery begins to open at all, you should phone your vet.  In over 100 spays, I've only seen this happen once.

If you're concerned that the surgery may have resulted in a personality change, it may be something to discuss with the vet.  I have certainly noted that it creates calmer cats once all the hormones die down.  I can't say I have seen it result in a hyperactive cat, but anesthesia can, in rare instances, have neurological effects.  Some may be temporary and some may be permanent.  I know that they may include aggression.  I'm not certain about hyperactivity.