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Hello again.  It is kind of hard to explain what she does but I will try.  She will knead pretty much anything soft but it's mostly this one throw blanket that is on the couch and when she does it, it almost looks like she is trying to go to the bathroom or something.  She isn't crouching or taking the position she was when she was in heat, and she's not acting like she is in heat.  She did get sick a couple weeks ago now that you mention it, but only once.  We definitely feel something moving in her belly.  The main thing that concerns me is what she has been doing with the blanket, it is probably nothing just me being worried about her I have just never seen a pregnant cat do this.  I hope this information has been a little more helpful.  Once again thank you for your time.

Hi Well it sounds like she is 'nesting' She is trying to dig up that blanket and mold it into a shape for having kittens.. Perhaps you could set up a place for her in a nice dark quiet place in the house and put that blanket there with her. She sounds like she might be due fairly soon??