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Weeping Eye


Hi Jessica, I have a british shorthair kitten how is nearly 7 months old.  I have noticed that on occasion her left eye becomes weepy and she does not open it fully when this happens.  It is normally after she has been asleep but I am a little concerned that this might be something more sinister than just a watery eye when she wakes up.

Hi Victoria.  Sounds like maybe it's giving her some pain.  I would probably have her checked out.  She may have a nagging scratch that just won't heal, or there's the potential that there may be an ulcer on the cornea.  This is very painful and usually will heal more speedily when an antibiotic eye ointment is prescribed.  There are some other conditions which can be more dangerous, like keratitis (also affecting the cornea), which impairs vision.  This is thought to be related to the herpes virus in many cases but may also be bacterial or fungal.  Also, uveitis, an inflammation or infection of the inner globe of the eye.  This can cause blindness because it tends to build scar tissue and also because it creates pressure that can dislocate the lens/detach the retina of the eye.  Sometimes you will notice a cloudy look to the affected eye, or a change in eye color.  All of these conditions I have personal experience with in my own kitties!  Fortunately, there are treatments that should help her feel better if she is suffering any of the above.  It may be just a weepy eye because of a blocked tear duct or something, but cats are indeed, prone to eye infections, and since it persists, it would be a good idea to have it looked into.