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desexed cats


we have 6 de-sexed mixed breed rescue cats.
a 12 yr old girl
3 x 30 to 36 month old boys
a 10 month old boy
a 10 month old girl

one of the 30 month old boys has been repeatedly trying to mount the female "kitten"....she is about 10 months old now.
everyone has been fixed, prior to leaving the shelter.
the action is only between these two and she really flirts specifically with him all day long!
there is lots of grabbing and biting (not hard) and singing and running around.
is this ok?

we've never run across this behaviour before in any of our cats.


It is not unusual for a neutered male to go through the motions of mating with a female in season. However, it is not very common for a neutered male and a fixed female to go through this.  On the other hand, it very well may just be rough play. No harm will come of it and, if there are no signs of the female's neck being chewed up, I would not worry about it.

Best regards... Norm.