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keeping cats safe


I have two cats. I stay in India and we will be celebrating DIwali shortly. there will be lots of firecrackers and every year, my older cat becomes depressed, lethargic and very veruy scared. he hides under the bed and refuses to come out at all. since he is quiet chubby, he even got stuck once. so we are really worried about hiom and the other cat as well. the second cat will be facing Diwali for the first time. what can i do to keep them safe? the firecrackers can go on all night for three to four days. and i guess they cannot stand the noise  

I suggest that you keep each cat in a large dog kennel with a blanket, food, and water.  This will help to minimize stress as well as prevent the cats from running around frantically trying to get away from the noise and possibly hurting themselves.  Before the fireworks begin, give each cat about a teaspoon of nutritional yeast in their food.  This is a stress reducer and I use it on my animals.  They will become a lot calmer once the yeast kicks in.