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Cats homes

20 16:41:39

Hello Norman....
My daughter (age 18) and her girlfriend brought home a kitten several months ago. We have an older house cat (11 years).  Anyway, the girls both "adopted" the kitten from the humane society, each paying 50% of vet costs, food, etc.  Since we got the kitten, he stays at our house for two weeks, then goes to the other girl's house for two weeks, etc.  He seems to be happy and loved at both homes.  He gets along great with our cat, and dog.  Whenever he comes to the "new" house, he takes about one day to settle down...he is sort of aloof, etc.  But by day two he is back to his lovable happy-go-lucky self.  A friend of mine feels we are doing a disservice to the kitten, because cats "attach" to places, more than people.  Maybe that is why it takes him a day to adjust.  What do you think?  Do you think we are harming him by taking back and forth?  Both families love him very much.


Wow, what an interesting situation!  Your friend is correct, for the most part, that cats tend to become adjusted more to places than people.  But, like people, each cat is an individual!  If the kitten is getting along with everyone and everypet in each household, why change?  The one day to adjust may disappear with time as the kitten adjusts to this arrangement.  Cats/kittens are creatures of habit, but they are also very adaptable.

It is probably more important, at this point, that the kitten finds itself in a safe, loving home, even if it for two week stints.

The one caveat is to make sure he is neutered as soon as possible, before the hormones become active (usually by 7 months, but as early as 5 months of age in some).  Research has shown that neutereing as early as 12 weeks is not harmful to a kitten.

Thank your daughter and her friend for adopting this kitten and, thus, saving its life.

Best regards... Norm.