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cat injured by a kick


Yesterday I found a very injured cat in may garden. I know her and I give her food regularly. Yesterday her head was bloated and she could't see. Her mouth was dark (because of her blood), she could hardly walk. I took her to the vet, he gave her some shots and today she is much better - she can jump and run, however she doesn't eat or drink. The vet is worried about her breathing, so I am taking her to Xrays tomorrow. She still doesn't eat. I am very warried. Will she live? The doctor said the first time I brought her there that her condition was hard but not too criltical (so no need to put her to sleep, thank God). I hope I was not late, because the neighbours tell me that the accident took place some 2-3 days ago.
Could you please answer my question tonight, namely, what's troubling her breathing and when will she start eating? Is she in a critical condition if she refuses food? I am so worried that I don't think I will be able to sleep.
Best wishes,


You're so sweet to take care of her! The first thing that comes to mind is that she may have blood or mucus in her lungs, and if the vet spots that on the x-ray he'll be able to help her. I believe that you got to her in time since you have seen some signs of recovery so soon.

If your vet told you that she wasn't in critical condition when you brought her in, she probably wasn't. If she is moving around more today than previously, that is a wonderful sign of the beginning of a recovery.

Many cats will refuse to eat when they aren't feeling well or have recently been injured unless it is a favorite food. You said that her mouth was dark with blood, did she have an injury to the mouth or head area? If so, she may be too sore to chew hard food, or even wet canned food.

In that case, try mixing a small amount or her favorite kind of canned Friskie's cat food with 2 tablespoons of warm milk. The milk will help soften the meat more, and the warm aroma may help your cat to smell the food. Did you know cats select what they eat based largely on smell?

How long has it been since you saw her drink? Keep a close eye on her, and look for signs of dehydration. Is she still eliminating waste? Is she urinating? When she uses the litter box, does it smell strongly of ammonia?

If this cat is not urinating, and has not done so all day, I strongly recommend you contact your veterinarian right away and ask if s/he thinks that it would be prudent to get her to the office for emergency care and hydration. She could have had damage to her kidneys and may be in the first stage of dangerous renal failure.

If she has been taking water and urinating, that is a wonderful sign.

The most important thing you can do right now is monitor her for dehydration, and if you spot it, get emergency care from your vet right away! Other than that, make sure that cool water is always available and fresh for her, and I would suggest twice tonight trying with the wet food and milk.

If she is taking liquid, but too sore to chew solids, I would recommend getting her a can of Kitten Milk Replacement formula, commonly called KMR. You can find it at most pet shops, and I know that Wal-Mart carries it in one of their pet isles. Try looking near the toys and flea medication. You can put that out in a bowl for her. There is no guarantee she will drink it, but many adult cats like it, and I have used it with many sick adult cats.

Again, thank you so much for being willing to take care of a hurt animal, she needs your help and your love, and with a little bit of both, I believe that she will make a splendid recovery. Keep in contact with your vet, and feel free to follow up with any and all of your questions.

Good luck!
