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Cats/ Whining


We have a 11 month old male cat, he is fixed. He has this problem with whining all the time sometimes its really late at night other times its is really early in the morning waking up my 4 year old son. The only time he seems to stop is if he is looking outside. Nothing has really changed in the house that would effect him so what is going on?


Cats vocalize to get out attention.  The problem is we often do not have any idea why?  Has he always had this whining issue or is it recent?  Have you tried keeping a radio or TV set on where he is? Are you sure there has been no change in your household?  Nothing subtle?

Normally, for adults, when this type of beahvior starts, I would suggest getting ear plugs (i.e. the kind used in 1st class in trans-Oceanic flights).  I do not know how that would work with a 4 year old.

Of course, if the whining is recent, you might have this kitty checked out by your vet.

Please get back to me.

Best regards... Norm.