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cat body odor


Do cats have an body odor, it seems my furniture smells but not of urine,I do not bathe them as my vet said not to because they groom themselves.


If the cats smell you can bathe them with a natural shampoo designed for cats. I use Earthbath products on my cats because they are mild and the manufacturer makes an effort to be environmentally responsible. You could also use bath wipes made for cats, they can be found in most pet supply stores, they work well, they have a mild, pleasant scent and it's easier than actually bathing the cats with soap and water for obvious reasons. I can provide instructions on how to properly bathe your cats if you like. I wouldn't recommend bathing cats anymore than once a month because you'll strip the natural oils from their skin and coats if you bathe them any more frequently than that. The bath wipes can be used once a week if your kitties do have B.O.