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How to help my cat


I have 2 questions, My Cat Dream pee's on the floor alot and she is female plus she was fixed. I have to give her back to the pet store for that reason. Do you know why she does that? My other question is how can I get my cat and dog to get along? My cat is almost 2 and my dog is a doberman so I just dont know how this will work..HELP ME! She will be put to sleep if I dont figure something out because they told us they cant keep her long they were already going to put her to sleep when I adopted her. I resqued her in time so I just dont wanna loose her.


Your kitty needs to see the vet to determine if there is a medical reason for her to be peeing on the floor. Many times cats who urinate outside the box have medical problems such as bladder infections, stones or crystals in their urinary tract, pain when they use the toilet..... If there isn't a medical condition contributing to this behavior then I have a few suggestions that may help. I would recommend that you take the litter box and put it in a place where the dog can't get at it. Dogs like to eat cat poo from the litter box because the feces contains protein that dogs find irresistible. I would suggest a baby gate at the door of the room where you put the litter pan. Another suggestion is to make sure that you have at least 2 litter boxes, some cats are so fastidious that they want to pee in one place and poop in another. In terms of changing how the cat feels about the dog that will take some time. You will need to have the dog under control so that he doesn't chase or play roughly with the cat so you may want to make sure that he is leashed in the house so that you can monitor what is happening between cat and dog. Over time the cat will teach the dog some manners in terms of interacting politely and gently with cats (assuming kitty has claws). You will need to clean any areas that Dream has peed in with an enzymatic cleaner. You can buy enzymatic cleaners at most pet or janitorial supply stores. Another recommendation that I have is to give Dream a homeopathic remedy called Bach's Rescue Remedy to help her be more comfortable and alleviate any anxiety that she may be feeling. You can generally find Rescue Remedy at health food/natural health stores. I would suggest a dosage of about 10 drops in fresh water each morning. I think that if you make sure that Dream's food, water (make sure that you don't put the food and water near the litter box or Dream will have more issues with inappropriate elimination.) and litter are in a place where Dream is the only one to access them and if you provide a safe place for Dream to go to get away from the dog things might calm down a bit. If Dream is afraid of the dog the problems with her peeing outside the box may very well be fear related or maybe the dog has bothered her in the litter box once too often. If the Rescue Remedy doesn't work I would strongly suggest that you speak with your vet and see if Dream is a good candidate for prescription anti anxiety medications. If you don't want to go that far you may have to look at seeing if you can find either the dog or Dream a new home. I do hope that some of this information is helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.