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Leaving New Cat Alone


Hello Kate-

Here's my predicament.  I would like to adopt a 6 year old cat from the local animal shelter.  I have had many cats in the past.  Problem:  I have to do extensive traveling and would be away for 1 to 3 weeks at a time.  A neighbor would come in daily.

This cat is very shy and may have difficulty adapting to a new environment.  If I adopt now, 2 weeks later I leave for 1 week.  My feeling is that it would not be fair to the cat to be left alone for the extended periods of time, and I should not adopt her.  Please help me make final decision!

Thank you for your help.

Hello Mary

Well if you are asking for my opinion then i'm afraid I agree with you. I don't think it is fair on any cat to me left alone constantly for long periods of time unless they were brought up that way from kittens etc.

I think it would be quite traumatic for a rescue as well who needs stability in their lives after their experiences.

This is only my opinion of course and the final decision is yours. But I think your initial reaction is the right one.

best wishes