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My Cat Talks my Ears Off!!


I have two wonderful Cats, one 7 years old, the other just under one year. My
problem is the younger one is a talker and he never ever stops. When he was
a kitten it was so cute, not it just ensures I don't sleep much. I thought having
another older cat would keep him entertained, at least while I'm asleep. He
has Food/water and access to the whole house, we practice a regular play
time twice a day and we make sure both get pet/brushed regularly, I don't
know what his issue is. Is there ANYTHING that I can do to get him to pipe
down a little?  

Some cats are just little chatterboxes aren't they? We have one that speaks when spoken to, but not any other time. Your predicament is a little more exhausting.

There isn't anyway I know of to make kitty quiet down, but you can keep him out of your bedroom and away from your door using Hartz "Stay Off Training Aide." Spray down the entry to your bedroom with it, and the bedroom door itself. Then, for a short time, you must shut him out of the bedroom, if you do not already.

The Stay Off will remind him that during the night, he is NOT supposed to be meowing for your attention. Let him play in the room and cuddle with you while it is daylight, or while you are still awake, but as soon as you go to sleep, spray down the door and the entryway, and he will get the point, "Matti's sleeping, I don't need to be in there right now."

After about three weeks, you may cease using the spray. He should be trained by that time to keep himself to another part of the house.

I really hope this helps!