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Muscle Cramps?


Hi there

Just wanted to ask a question about my cat Roxy.

She is 17 1/2 years old.  She has lost weight over the last 5 years or so as old living things do.  A hyperactive Thyroid has been mentioned, but I take her to the vets every year for all the relevant check ups and injections.

About 2 months ago, Roxy trotted into the living room then suddenly started to lift her legs high in the air, almost as though she was trying to keep her balance.  I went over to her and she very slowly went onto her side.

I was looking at her eyes expecting them to close, but she seemed very peaceful and not in pain.

I noticed her tail was curled round like a pigs and her hind legs were tucked up right to her body.

Once she had laid there for a few minutes, she started purring, I got some chicken out of the fridge and she was half way up my leg with excitement.

Since then, she has been absolutely fine.  Chesing her tail, running around the house and doing all normal things.  That is until tonight where it happened again, but it didnt seem as severe.

I am going to take her to the vets tomorrow just for a check up, but i guess the question is..... can cats get muscle cramps and if they can, is it serious and what is the cause?

Thank you for your time reading this.



Do not forget, a 17 1/2 year old cat is geriatric and has many of the same ailments as older humans.  However, I have never heard about the syndrome you are describing.

I would assume, like people, cats do, occasionally, get cramps, although this sounds different than what I assume are cramps.  In people, there are a myriad of things that can cause muscle cramps from electrolyte imbalances to serious muscle diseases.

I would have a long discussion with the vet and, if need be, consult a geriatric veterinarian specialist.

I wish I could give you a better idea of what is going on, but I am not a vet.

If you do find anything about this particular syndrome, I would be interested in the outcome.

Best regards... Norm.