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Flea control


Greetings Carol,

We live in the woods of CT and have had as many as nine cats living with us at a time. It is amazing how many individuals believe that just because we live in the country we have room for any and all cats that they "drop off" in our area. We have one "wild" cat that showed us years ago and resides in a heated "kitty condo" on our back porch. We have never been able to get close to this cat even though we feed him daily. I we go near him he runs away. My problem is fleas...I have give all the cats flea treatment, however I am unable to catch this one. Do you know of any flea treatment (tablet ???) that I could crush up and put in his food. Any advise would be appreciated...



That is a problem that is hard to remedy. I personally don't know of flea tablets but new medications are being developed all the time. I would call a vet and ask. They know of new items available.

Here is an excerpt from the NYC Feral Cat Counsil:

"Fleas are a fact of feral life, but there are natural ways to combat them. First, garlic in the diet has a deterrent effect. Bits of raw garlic, if the cats will tolerate a small amount in their food, will do the trick. If they turn their little noses away, try Petguard's Yeast and Garlic wafers, which many cats find to be a tasty treat. If the cats' territory includes an area with moist soil, you can also apply beneficial nematodes. These are microscopic worms that consume flea larvae; simply mix them with water and spray over the area in question. They can be purchased from garden supply stores and many online sites. For ordering, seems to have better prices than most.

Keep in mind that a healthy, well-fed feral may have a few fleas, but should not become infested or be constantly scratching. Any type of parasitic infestation, including fleas or ear mites, is usually a sign of either a poor diet or an underlying health problem."

You can try a Google search for 'home remedies for fleas" or "feral flea problems" and see what kind of information comes up.

Hope this helps.
