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My cat is showing unusual behavior


Hi, my cat has recently been meowing like crazy! He's about a year old, but still acts like a kitten.  He meows soo loudly and deeply like he's hurting or something.  He's an inside cat so sometimes i think that he wants to go outside or something?  I open the door to let him out but he just runs and hides in the house.  He also has been "scratching" around like they do in the litter box, except he doesn't go to the bathroom.  there has been tiny pools of urine found near the sink counter, but we are not certain that it belongs to him.  He seems to want attention all the time and continually meows when in the presence of one of the family members.  The meowing is incessant and we just don't know what's wrong with him? i assumed that it could possible be a bladder blockage of some kind, but there has been no urine containing blood.  Therefore i have absolutely no idea what's wrong with him. Do you?

My guess is that your cat has crystals blocking his unrinary passage. They associate the pain of the stones with the litterbox so they go other places. It is curable if caught in time. *Important* is usually fatal in male cats if prolonged. They can show no signs or there can be blood tinged in the urine. It is important that you get the cat to the vet. He sounds like he is trying to 'tell' you something by meowing. And if it IS a crystal it is very painful.

It is possible that the meowing is a bid for attention and the need to be held and cuddled constantly. A companion kitten might help greatly.

But as always, when in doubt about a medical condition, a trip to the vet is needed. It is not possible to give an accurate diagnosis without someone physically seeing the cat.

Good luck and I hope kitty is OK.