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My Cat is Going Nuts!


I don't know what's gotten into him, but ever since he scratched my son the other night he's been losing it!  My 7 mths old son went up to him and grabbed his hair before I could get him away and my cat caused about 5 long scratches on his neck just below the ear.  My son has pulled hair before and he never even so much as layed back his ears.  

Now he's clawing the carpets, tearing up the blinds, scratching the walls, pissing in clean laundry, "yowling" and scratching the door at night when I'm trying to put my son back to bed after a feeding, and he's even tried to scratch both my son AND me.

I have no idea what's going on! I 've been spraying him with water to stop the negative behavior but 5 mins later he back to the same thing! I'm about to lose my mind and my patience with this cat! He's NEVER been like this in the 2 years we've had him!

Please help!

Also, my cat is neutered and all his shots are up to date.  Amd he's never acted out in this way in the 7 months since our son was born.  We still give him lots of love and attention, so I'm not sure if it's purely a jealousy issue.

I don't want to get rid of my cat, but if I have to I will.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!  

Hi Amy,

It sounds like your cat may be sick. I would take him to the vet to get him checked out. If he is spraying and yowling it could be a urinary tract infection. Have a vet check him out and rule out anything that's physical in nature that is affecting him. If the vet rules out that he is sick write back to me and I will be able to help you further. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen