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Sick Cat with diarrhea


Dear Becky,
I have a 13 year old siamese cat. he has been checked for parasites and was told that he does not have any at all.  Lately he has been having diarrhea on and off. Last one tonight was practically just water. What do i give him so that he won't dehydrate? He eats only cat canned food. Never human food.  Also when he does not eat all his food i put it in the fridge and when he wants to eat i warm it up in the microwave. Is this ok? Or should he eat it cold?
I have a very limited income and cannot afford a vet but if he needs one i'll get the money some how. Right now all i have on hand is amoxicillin for cats and kaopectate. Any help or advise will be appreciated very much.
                  Thank you,

Hi Sandra!

Since he was checked for parasites and that's not the problem then I don't see any reason why you can't try to treat this yourself. Give him a dropper full of amoxicillin twice a day. Also, give him about 1cc of kaopectate once a day and if he still has diarrhea, make it 2cc. This may not help, but is won't hurt him.  You definetely need to get the diarrhea stopped before he dehydrates.  This may just be some kind of stomach upset.  If it doesn't stop however, you will need to take him to the vet because it will make him weak. Remember, he is an old cat and will not be able to go long like this.

Is he still eating?  If so, that is a very good sign. Give him some cottage cheese, it will soothe his stomach.  Heating up canned food is fine.  I don't see any problem with that and I have done it before also.

I hope all works out for you.  

God Bless,