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Behavior with kitten


I had two kittens a brother and sister. I had to put the brother kitten down do to illness. Since the girl kitten has been pooping on my carpet and sometimes in her litter box. I even purchased a new litter box as well and no help there either. Why is she pooping on my carpet when she was using the litter box when her brother was alive. Could she be lonely..????

Hi Bea,

I'm sorry for your loss of your little one. It's rough losing a kit. Most cats are very clean animals. Cats can become lonely but that shouldn't bother her with using the litter box. First, I would take her to the vet to be checked to see if their is an underlying medical reason for her not using the box.

Next, try changing the type of litter you use in the box. My own preference for cats who are having problems like this is to use a cedar based litter. It is very soft and the cats like the smell.

Is the box the same height as the last one? Sometimes that makes a difference. Make sure you clean the area where she has been using with a good enzymatic cleaner. She may be attracted back to that area because of the smells.

Try these things and see what happens. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen