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Cat training


Are there any home remedies for keeping cats off undesired areas within the home? Is it possible to make my own mixture? Most of the products on the market, have to be reapplied every 24 hrs.


You could try using citrus oils or even hot pepper oils. Most cats don't like the smell or taste of either and will usually do their best to avoid them at all costs. Failing the ability to find these products in your area you can try citrus peels and either dried or fresh hot peppers (the spicier the better). If you choose to use citrus peels and hot peppers I would suggest that you try to find dried hot pepper flakes and dry your own citrus peels (any citrus fruit will do). Once everything that you need is dry you may want to use a food processor to grind everything up into smaller pieces and to mix the different items that most cats find truly offensive. You can either spread the ground mixture in and around the areas that you would rather your cat didn't go or you can look at purchasing or making little cotton cloth bags with either drawstring or Velcro closures. Another option that is quite effective and isn't nearly as time consuming is the use of a product called Sticky Paws. Sticky Paws is a medical grade, clear, double sided tape that will not damage furniture or most other surfaces, but it is effective at keeping cats off of and out of places that you would rather they stay away from. The reason that Sticky Paws tends to work well is that cats are very fastidious creatures who do not want anything to stick to their paws or their coat. There are also products on the market that are motion activated and use a canister of compressed air to hiss at the cat whenever they come within range of the motion sensor. I have found that these products can be a little on the pricey side, but a can of compressed air from the office supply store works just as well. The advantage of using the motion activated product is that the cat always gets a reaction even when you aren't home so she will eventually learn that the location is completely off bounds. There is also a product called a Scat Mat which is a mat with a static charge that administers a static shock to create a bad association for the cat in certain areas. I do not typically recommend the Scat Mat as it can create behavioral issues related to fear and has the potential to start the cycle of fear based aggression in cats who are a little on the timid side. In general I think that the best and neatest options with the least potential for damaging surfaces are the Sticky Paws and the motion activated can of compressed air that creates a negative association which is always consistent. You don't want whatever option you choose to enforce house rules about where the cat is or isn't allowed to be inconsistent. Generally once a cat gets the idea you will no longer need the reinforcement, but it is always a good item to have on hand. I do hope that you have found this information helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.