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kitten eye mucus


hello, i recently just got a kitten and i see that there is alot of mucus coming out of her left is an off yellow color.
my fiance says that we can put allergy drops in her eyes is this true, and what do yu thin is causing the eye irratation  thank you

rena padgett
allentown, pa

Hi Rena.  No, his doesn't sound like allergies to me at all.  Allergies usually cause swollen, red eyes, but only a clear discharge.  Thick yellow discharge usually indicates a bacterial infection is present in the eye.  It could be chlamydiosis, one cause of pink eye, which may be contagious to you.  Most likely, it's a bacterial infection secondary to the feline herpes or feline calici virus.  These infections require a prescription eye ointment or eye drop given by a vet to treat.  Allergies drops will not help.  And it's very important to treat these infections right away.  I've seen lots of kitties go blind because they didn't get treatment quickly.  I've even seen several have to have their eyes removed because their eyelids adhere to their eyes, or they get glaucoma or ulcers on the eye that won't heal.  Sometimes their eyes even rupture!  So definitely get your baby to the vet right away for treatment.  Otherwise, you may see some terrible complications.