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Our fat cat

20 16:46:53

We have two male cats (brothers) about 18 months old.  One is about 12 pounds and the other (the more agressive of the two) is over 15 pounds...too heavy the vet says.  So we've tried cutting back on his food.  But he just goes and eats what his brother leaves.  We feed them a small amount (dry food) in the morning when we leave for work & then again in the evening.  In the evening we take the smaller cat & his food bowl to another room to eat by himself.  But it seems the big cat is not losing any weight at all.  Should we maybe put him on diet food & how do we make sure he's not eating his brothers food?  Thanks!

ask your vet about diet foods, but dont buy it from him....then go to wherever you guy your cat food and check out the diet foods.  and to keep him from eating the others food you will have to feed them at the same time, but in different rooms. you will just have to permanantly seperate them when it is time to eat. also you need to follow the feeding directions on the food container. i think it says something like one cup of cat food a day......i think....there is also diet wet food for around. and dont forget exercise!!! when you are home you will have to interactively play with the cat, get him to run around. its just like when people want to loose weight....cut back on the food and increase the exercise. you really need to work on this for him otherwise he may end up with diabetes.