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my cat is acting funny and wanting to vomit but can not do so?


My cat is acting funny ever since i found her by the back door crying and not moving , and with her muoth  opened. We carried her inside and she relived her self on my husband. she would not move or stand up, her mouth open and saliva coming out, after a while we to took her to the vet were she began to walk around and we took her home now she is wanting to vomit but can not do so! what can i do she has never acted this way?


Even though your vet said she was fine, she obviously is still not fine. I can't diagnose her over the internet, but as I said she may have been poisoned, she could be having seizures or a stroke. She could also be choking on something, did the vet check in her mouth and under her tongue? Has she defecated or urinated since you found her?

Whatever it is it is serious and I would personally find another vet to get a second opinion.

Good luck I hope she turns out to be OK!